The Beginning of an Adventure

Introduction to Travel Tips

Traveling in style is one thing, but the most important thing is to travel in comfort .  Every week I will be writing a blog post under the ...

Monday, September 25, 2023

The Beginning of an Adventure: About This Blog!

 I first got the travel bug the summer after my freshmen year of college in 2018. Back then I still had the notion that I was going to be a successful film musician and was pursuing a music major, and while that didn't pan out, luckily for me it provided me the amazing opportunity to travel abroad for the first time and play music with my friends in some of the most famous and beautiful music halls in Europe. I've even seen the birthplace of Mozart in Salzburg, Austria! 

Since then, I've traveled to seven countries outside of the U.S., but Denmark will always have my heart. I was able to live there for a while with my cousin, a resident of the country for the past ten years, working and integrating myself into a completely different culture while getting to know family. While it was an amazing experience, I found it very hard and even isolating at times being in a place where I didn't know the language or customs. Unlike a lot of expats, I was lucky enough to be staying with family who could teach me the ropes and made the transition a little easier.  

(Photo Credit: Jessie Jimenez)

My journey there started with a Facebook post. My cousin ran a successful cleaning company in her town and had published a post saying she was seeking employees to join her crew. Mostly as a joke, I commented, "You should hire me so I can move there!" She responded with, "OK." Three months later she, her Danish husband, and five-year-old son came to visit her family in the states, and a few weeks after that I was getting on a plane with them headed to Copenhagen, Denmark. After a nine-and-a-half hour, very uncomfortable plane ride, a four-hour bus ride, and a thirty-minute car ride (during all this time I was lugging around two VERY heavy and full suitcases), we arrived at her beautiful home in a suburb called Løstrup...and that was the beginning.

This blog is not only going to be about my experiences in Denmark; I have many stories to tell from my other foreign adventures, but Denmark is where I truly lived locally and will be the center piece of this account. One of my fondest memories is of visiting Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, the inspiration behind Disney World. My experiences there in particular made me become a more conscientious tourist, and I feel some of my stories could really help other visitors or expats of foreign countries. Come along with me as I provide budgets, itineraries, and advice on how to be a respectful tourist wherever you go!

(Photo Credit: Jessie Jimenez)


  1. Your traveling adventures and narrative are inspiring. It is a dream of mine to study or live abroad one day. I am excited to read about your travelling experiences and how they have impacted you. The pictures from your travels were a great addition to your post.

  2. Your abroad trip sounds truly awesome! I also travel a lot but its all just around the USA. I'd like to make it abroad at some point and have a whole list of places I'd like to hit. I am super excited to continue reading about your adventures overseas and potentially add some of these same spots on to my list.

  3. I personally love to travel and have been across most of the United States. I have never left the country however except for Canada once. One trip I have always wanted to do is touring Countries in Europe such as Germany, Poland, Italy, and England. The culture is so rich and different over there and it has always been a dream of mine to be able to experience it. While I'm not sure if I would ever want to reside permanently outside of the US, it is high on my bucket list to visit as many countries outside of the United States as possible within my lifetime.

  4. I really admire your ability to step outside your comfort zone and travel. I have always wanted to go abroad at some point in my life, but obligations and the cost of traveling have always deterred me. Also, your photographs are beautiful! I've dabbled in photography as a hobby, and I think it's great you were able to capture these stunning images abroad.
